Easy Styling: Luxurious Villa Balcony ideas

Villa style Josefine outdoor sofa set. Photo credit: Nook and Cranny
On glorious breezy sunny days and cool summer evenings, all we want to do is lounge on the balcony sipping a relaxing drink. Get into the mood and dream of the days of resort holidays. If your balcony or backyard is not giving you that feeling, it is time to change it up and make the most of it. No more using the balcony as a space to 'hang clothes'. It is not that difficult to transform a neglected patio into an amazing hangout area for a quick 'holiday'.

Laid-back lounge seating

Neutral and natural coloured furniture. Photo credit: Interior Design Journey
Choose a sofa that brings you back to the time of your favourite resort holiday. When shopping for seating, measure the space and do not overcrowd your balcony. Also make sure that you have at least a seat for each member of your family so you can hangout together. Wooden outdoor furniture looks stunning and it fits right in to the elements. Outdoor cushions are extremely comfortable and durable so look for these but ensure that the area is sheltered to prevent any pre-mature wear and tear. Having any furniture exposed to the heavy rains and UV will damage it, so if you do not have a shelter - cover them up when not in use. 

Dine Al-fresco

Elias outdoor dining table. Photo credit: Interior Design Journey 
If you are one to enjoy family dinners and often have gatherings, a dining table is a great idea as you can have meals here compare to just lounging. Maximise the balcony space and get a large dining table so you will always have a go-to space ready for any impromptu gatherings. 

Coucou Authentic Swiss Restaurant Photo credit: Coucou Restaurant

Artisanal Statement Pots/Vase

Cement vase that looks like weaved baskets. Photo credit: Nook and Cranny 
Resort vibes and ambience are achieved through accessories and decor, without them, you will always feel like something is missing. It is the finishing touch to any room. When you're decorating outdoors, it is a must to have plants and therefore the best accessory you can get is a unique and ornate vase or pot for the plants. Shop for something that can be a conversation starter. This illusion basket weave pot is made to look like weaved rope but is actually made of cement. This makes it perfect for the outdoors. 

Lanterns: Get in the mood for Love

Ornate waterproof lanterns. Photo credit: Nook and Cranny
Lanterns add soft glow lighting which creates the best mood for relaxation and romance. Don't underestimate what lighting can do, it is one of the most important decorative piece for indoors or outdoors. 

Ice Cold Drinks, always

Be Cool Cooler . Photo credit: Zuiver
You should always have a cool drink when relaxing. This cooler trolley is a must for sun lovers. Never have to get up for a drink ever. 
So are you ready to create a resort sanctuary right at home? If you are still not sure if you can achieve this on your own, explore interior designers who can make your vision come through.

All woods are susceptible to rot and decay if left in damp, humid, and shady areas for a long time. Wood that becomes saturated with rain water is more likely to warp and rot, so using protective covers when your furniture is not in use is strongly advised to keep your wooden patio furniture in good shape. The bases of furniture legs are definitely the most susceptible when it comes to water damage. If wood furniture is kept in the grass, at the poolside, or on a surface that collects even a small level of rain water, the legs can become easily saturated and damaged. Covering the bottoms of each furniture leg with rubberized material or silicone footcaps will help protect your furniture from rotting from the bottom up.

Finally, exposure to chemicals including solvents and chlorine, and exposure to common items such as alcoholic beverages, plants and flower nectar, and hot items (off of a grill, for example) can permanently stain and damage wood surfaces. Additionally, it is vital to prevent plastic objects, like plastic table cloths, toys, placemats, and appliance covers, from lying on wood furniture for a long period of time because plastic can discolor wood. Plastic can also stick to and damage a wood finish.

The lifespan for any wooden patio furniture depends greatly on the type of wood used and the weather it is exposed to. Properly maintaining your outdoor wood furniture can make it last for many years and maximize your investment.



Interior Design Journey i s a multi award-winning company dedicated to improving your well-being with the art of interior decoration and styling. They believe an organised, well thought out and stylish space is not only visually appealing but will also enrich you by inspiring your mood, positivity, drive and happiness.

Founded by British expat Priya Naik in 2013 after many years working within the industry, Interior Design Journey has become a leading expert in the world of interior design.  Priya’s extensive knowledge and experience of the interior furnishings and finishes market, coupled with her natural talent and passion for décor, has enabled her to establish a successful career both locally and internationally. Her distinctive style incorporates both Eastern and Western influences using loose furnishings to give flexibility combined with Asian elements.

Priya, as an expat herself, understands the different stages of her clienteles’ move to and within Singapore. She has experienced renting an empty apartment with limited or no furniture; moving to a new space and needing to re-style; and purchasing and re-designing her own home.




If you enjoyed these stunning inspirational photos, shop with us at www.nookandcranny.com. Come visit us to view our Outdoor Furniture, Sofa Singapore and full furniture for Singapore collection 
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