How to style a Beautiful Brown Leather Sofa

Brown leather sofas are definitely a classic look that will never go out of style. With new, sleek shapes and structures popping out every year, there are endless opportunities to fit it into any interior style that you choose. 
Here's some ideas on how to style your living room in various interior styles if you have your eyes set on a beautiful brown sofa. 


There are many types of finishes and grades for leather. These options will provide a different vibe and to match different lifestyles. Choose a leather type that is able to match how much time you are willing to maintain your sofa as some leather types require more conditioning and maintenance. 
Standard grade sofa leather:  These are basic grade leathers that are suited to those who prefer low maintenance. You will notice that is more water-resistant as well. This is because it has been process with fillers to produce its consistent colour and texture. These processes will create a 'plasticky' look, hence the lower price-point. 
Waxed premium sofa leather: These are glossy higher grade leather that are softer to the touch. The waxed layer is to protect it from moisture so it requires less maintenance comparing to other premium leather counterparts. Conditioning it at least twice a year or when it starts to show wrinkles will maintain it from pre-mature ageing.
Semi-Aniline sofa leather: Semi-aniline leather is soft and natural due to the less intense coating and minimal processes done comparing to standard sofa leather. This will provide you with the even colour tone while still having it soft and comfy. 
Aniline sofa leather (Vintage look):  Aniline leathers are made of the highest quality leather. Very little processes are needed. Most leather lovers prefer Aniline leather as it is true to its natural form and creates a desirable patina as it age. As it went through minimal processes, Aniline leather are usually porous and have minimal protection coating for the natural look. Regular conditioning and maintanence is required just like any other luxurious high value items that you may have. Treat it well and it may just be a piece of furniture to lasts you for a long time to come.  
Jethro Aniline sofa leather (Vintage look):  
Jethro leather is Aniline leather but with a unique matte finish. It hold the same properties as any other Aniline leather. Jethro leather feels cool to the touch and provides a cosy feeling. 


A brown leather sofa is a versatile piece that is able to fit into many interior styles. Light brown with an orange tinge or commonly known as Tan, Camel or Caramel are more popular these days as it keeps the room bright and fresh, comparing to a dark brown. 
A certain interior style has more to do with the shape/structure of the sofa rather than the colour. So look for a shape that fits your ideal interior style for the living room. 
Scandinavian style variations: 
The Scandinavian interior styles has evolved over the years and is still a popular style for the minimalist style and earthy tones. Look for wooden legs and simple boxy shapes to compliment this style. Recommended sofa: Duke 3 seater. 
Industrial style variations: 
The Industrial style looks great with a vintage tan brown sofa. Look for metal accents on the legs and embellishments of the sofa. Choose a classic shape and a deep seat to compliment the rugged style of Industrial interior. Recommended sofa: William 3 seater
Mid-century Modern style variations: 
The Mid-century Modern style is fuzz-free and functional. This style is timeless and are loved by many over the decades. Usually made in a darker tone, you can brighten it up with a cognac or camel coloured sofa. Choose a minimalist and functional style sofa. No fancy or unneccessary details please. Recommended sofa: Finn 3 seater
Eclectic/Globally-inspired style variations: 
If you love displaying decor pieces from your travels and mixing different styles...Eclectic style is the one for you. Choose a sofa that has headrests and armrests that are built for maximum relaxation and makes afternoon naps more enjoyable while reminiscing the wonderful time you had during your travels.. Recommended sofa: Paloma L-shape


At Nook & Cranny, we provide unique styles and leather options for sofas. Here are the top favourites! Try them out and feel the difference. 

Finn 3 seater semi-aniline leather sofa in colour Palomino by Nook & Cranny Singapore. Discover and shop now. 

William 3 seater Jethro aniline leather sofa in colour Cognac by Nook & Cranny Singapore. Discover and shop now.

Duke 3 seater Premium waxed leather sofa in colour Camel by Nook & Cranny Singapore. Discover and shop now.

Discover more at 


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