Nook and Cranny Living - Happy SG50

Happy birthday dear Singapore, our beloved country.  

Small though you are, you're a bright vibrant spark that we are all so proud of.  We love you for being a warm shelter, our refuge, our ever abundant place we call home.  

Fellow Singaporeans, today we celebrate our nation's historical milestone. Our hearts rejoice as we gather together as a growing united community, celebrating our diversity and being thankful for the many blessings these 50 years have entailed.  Our prayer is for our country to continue to flourish like a tree planted by the side of the river, whose leaves shall not wither and whatever she does will prosper.  

Happy 50th birthday!!!!!!!!!!

Nook and Cranny Living is open on Friday 7th August & Saturday 8th August from 11am to 6pm.  See you there! Come visit us.

Browse our full Furniture for Singapore collection.

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